A deep need to be heard, to be understood and most of all find out if I am the only one out there, or there are more like me. I start this journey...Rapids of life...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Grains of Sand.

I tried to hold you with all my might
With a handful, how long could I have survived?
So you kept slipping away all the time..
Like the grains of sand in my hand..

I look at my palms where you still sparkle and shine
Like those lovely moments of togetherness
Which are still fresh..which are still mine..

I wish I knew more..I wish I loved less
Good things in small doses is still the best..
Living in the dreamland where Prince charming still exists
That was my mirage clenched tightly in my fists.

You caught my attention like a shooting star.
You looked like a miracle from a distance so far.
I was a lil shaken I was feeling blue
My periphery expanded, I thought I got my due.

I wanted to call you my symphony, my companion and my all
When suddenly you trickled, I could not stop that fall.
You kept slipping away with each passing day.
Nothing much remains, that reminds me of the pain

A silent prayer to wish you well
Some feelings which, I could never tell.
I bid adieu to you my sweet..
BON VOYAGE until we meet.