A deep need to be heard, to be understood and most of all find out if I am the only one out there, or there are more like me. I start this journey...Rapids of life...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ode to Them

Bought into the world at some one else's behest
welcomed at times at times not..
I am a clean slate, an untainted mirror depended on you to show me the way..
I am a miracle, yet to unfold
I am a story, yet to be told
I am the seed, before the tree
I am the caged bird, still to be set free.....
What a great responsibility your shoulders need to lift
To feed, to care, to love, to give
You are my lighthouse in the stormy see,
A warm coccon to shelter me...
There are thoughts inside which I would want to share,
But for the fear of rejection, I would not dare
There is a part of myself which you have yet to see....
Have you ever wondered that could be the real ME!!

Nudge me, but not too hard..
Refrain from using words that sound to harsh
My ears are gentle, every word amplified
I become what ever you say as the years slide....
Instill in me the courage thats never broken
Fill me with hopes of the road not taken....

Then see me blossom into the ONE!!
Guiding you, when your eyes can't see none
I will be the strong wall against whose support you will stand
After all every Child is the Father of Man...


Shubha said...

Very good !!

Kya madam kis mood mein hain aap?

Take Care and God bless u....

Mannu said...

very self expressing--love it (*_*)