A deep need to be heard, to be understood and most of all find out if I am the only one out there, or there are more like me. I start this journey...Rapids of life...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Why in His Name

I was born free to rule and reign,
His creation, exemplary and Flawless
Trying to rebuild the Eden again
I had all tools to make the Universe marvellous

I had a body but no boundaries
I had a mind but no prejudices
I had the intellect, but no manipulations
I was the BEST in all gradations

Then came the god the one created by Man
A tool to vandalise, in whose awe the weak would stand..
The gods multiplied, and so did the wars
Centuries went by, but these religious armies won't disband.

Some call it a foundation, but its used as a crutch.
To support the rotting flesh, which can't do much
For terror and destruction that you do in HIS name
Looking from above HIS head would be hung in shame..

Take back the god and set the world free...
Put an end to this frenzy and the killing spree
Don't tell me my place, my religion, my creed..
I want to be sea, where all rivers meet..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You and Me

Like a ripple in the water you entered my being
A gentle splash, little noise and then the calm and serenity resumed.

I look at my damaged shores which have borne the wrath of your spell
The spell you cast on me, which lasted for days and will live till eternity

It will last in my dreams, my hopes, my faith, my gut
Like a neon signboard. Bright and inescapable.

I live my life as I relive those moments of truth
I am still confused feeling so surreal.
You came and left to some distant land
I am here repairing the damaged shores

Definitions, Principles and directions I believe in none today.
Why should I they hold no good
Some forces too great work above me
Subservient I am to the ONE above.