A deep need to be heard, to be understood and most of all find out if I am the only one out there, or there are more like me. I start this journey...Rapids of life...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Resume of a Two month old

A bundle of joy, a cute tiny ball, yes she was a paradox
And surprise for all..
Almost looks like the dad, with nothing of the mom,
But she gonna be like mom, which dad dreads most of all.
Her entry was grand, as was the final show..
She looked just perfect had everyone in her tow.
We call her Pupple but then Ria it became.
No matter what you call, she is a wonder just the same.
Dad has found new love..Mom’s joy is in galore…
Everyday a new chapter..a new experience instore.
I wish her all the luck, the midas touch if I could.
May her touch make all the difference where bad turns to good..


Anonymous said...

Wonderful piece of poetry..... i loved it

Tanya said...

Hey Jyotsnu:) really beautiful..I liked it a lot..kept me thinking for sometime..I do know much of you..:))