There are questions you left me with
Questions that question my reasons to exist
Never looking back, a silence that was the loudest I ever
heard you speak
Did I survive..Yes I did
Promises turned to premonitions
Of the future that was never to be
I existed not in now, never here
Waiting for a time in future
Finally the wait was over, and so was the future
Did I survive..Yes I did
You the mirror on my wall
My reflection forlorn and distorted
Losing the sight of how I looked,
The mirror broken in a thousand pieces and I was free
Hazy, unsure and cynical, the footsteps ever so tentative
I tread the path with myself
I know not if the trail blazer I would be
Stubborn as ever, I walk in the night
Hearing the twilight very close
I would survive..yes I would